E61b Lutein

Extrated from Marigold plant. Our lutein was pH stable, and good with light and heat. The lutein has a warm, lemon yellow colors at lower dosages with more orange hue at higher dosages.

  1. Food Coloring: Lutein can be used as a natural yellow to orange colorant in various food products, providing attractive hues without the use of synthetic additives.

  2. Fortification: Lutein is a valuable nutrient for eye health, and it can be added to certain foods to enhance their nutritional value, particularly in products targeting eye health.

  3. Beverages: Lutein may be incorporated into beverages like juices and smoothies to provide a natural yellow coloring.

  4. Baked Goods: It could be used in certain baked goods to achieve a warm, yellowish hue.

  5. Supplements: Lutein is commonly used as an ingredient in dietary supplements aimed at promoting eye health.

Lutein is a naturally occurring carotenoid found in various fruits and vegetables, particularly in leafy greens like spinach and kale, as well as in marigold flowers. Lutein is known for its vibrant yellow to orange color and is considered a beneficial nutrient, especially for eye health and vision.

  1. Storage
    • Cold-dry Storage
    • Well Ventilated Area
    • Protect from The Light
  2. Packaging: 20-25 Kg/ Pale