Colostrum: Nurturing Your Baby's Growth

Stunting refers to children's hindered growth and development due to insufficient nutrition, recurrent infections, and inadequate psychosocial stimulation. The World Alliance for Breastfeeding Action (WABA) underscores breastfeeding's crucial role in combating malnutrition, addressing disparities, and the struggles mothers confront worldwide.

As per the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), less than half of newborns globally (44 percent) are exclusively breastfed during their initial five months of life.

One effort to prevent poor nutrition leading to stunting is by consuming Colostrum. This substance is the initial milk produced by mammals shortly after giving birth. It serves as an exceptional immuno-modulator and boosts infection resistance. Two in vitro studies have demonstrated Prodiet® Colostrum's effects on immunity, including increased proliferation of B Lymphocytes and reinforcement of the body's immune response. Colostrum also reduces the secretion of pro-inflammatory cytokines and contains a high concentration of immuno-stimulating factors like TGF, which enhances resistance to infections.


In the market, Mordor Intelligence explains that the global colostrum market is projected to achieve a CAGR of 3.64% during the forecast period from 2023-2028.

Meanwhile, colostrum can be developed into various forms to make it consumable by adults infants, or toddlers.



The low rate of breastfeeding can have implications for children's future growth. Considering the continuously growing colostrum market and its potential for various innovations, addressing childhood malnutrition issues could be achieved through the consumption of Colostrum. Through the ingredients we possess, we can assist suppliers and customers in creating quality products, promoting community well-being, and supporting child growth.

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