Supported by Luvtrip and a Major Company in Jakarta, Somongari Tourism is Expected to Develop Rapidly

Metro Times (Purworejo) - The Purworejo Regency Government hopes that the Somongari Tourism Village in the Kaligesing District will develop more rapidly after receiving assistance from Luvtrip and PT Sinergi Multi Lestarindo, Tbk.
Luvtrip is a digital platform that develops community-based travel service applications. Meanwhile, PT Sinergi Multi Lestarindo is a company engaged in the trade of chemical materials for various products.

These two companies are collaborating to improve and develop the capacity of community members involved in the tourism awareness group (Pokdarwis), MSME actors, and homestay entrepreneurs.

"It turns out that they have been under guidance for 5 years and Somongari should be much more prepared compared to other tourist villages in Purworejo," said Agung Pranoto, Head of the Tourism Marketing, Tourism Resources, and Creative Economy Division at the Purworejo Regency Tourism and Youth Sports Office, on Saturday (27/7).

Agung believes that with the assistance of Luvtrip, supported by a major company in Jakarta, Somongari will be much better in the future.

"During the training, the materials provided are certainly not trivial. They are not ordinary materials, so we hope and believe that Somongari will be much better in the future," he added.

For Dinporapar, Agung said, several things need to be continuously improved, the first being promotion. He considers promotion to be one of the most urgent aspects of the tourism industry.

"Generally, I still see that the most crucial aspect is promotion. A company that wants to progress must promote what it has. For Somongari Tourism Village, future marketing must be better," he said.

The next aspect is the variety of tourism packages. Somongari Tourism Village's packages should be made as varied as possible to attract tourists and encourage them to return.

Additionally, tourists must receive good and enjoyable service so they will want to stay longer in Somongari. This is considered important so that money from outside can circulate within Somongari.

"If people have already visited Somongari, if possible, they should come back again. And when they come back, offer something new. Therefore, the tourism packages should be varied," he said.

He stated that currently, the Pokdarwis in Somongari are quite skilled, as are the MSME actors in the village. Various potentials, including the historical site of WR Supratman's birthplace and original Somongari culinary products, can be turned into tourist attractions.

"People will be interested when they come here and can be invited to make geblek (a local snack) and coconut sugar. This can be part of a tourism package. Currently, there are already packages, but there is still potential, so it must be continuously explored to make it more varied," he concluded.