No Need for Distant Healing, Gen Z Should Consume Only This to Keep Mental Health Intact

The Gen Z group encompasses individuals born between 1997 and 2012, aged 11 to 26 in the year 2023. According to Statista's report, the age groups of 13-17 and 18-24 are the most frequent users of social media platforms.

However, this doesn’t necessarily bring positive outcomes. According to a survey by the McKinsey Health Institute, social media is identified as a leading cause of depression among Gen Z. The same survey indicates that Gen Z individuals spending over two hours daily on social media tend to have poorer mental health.

Based on these findings, it's no wonder that Gen Z is often associated with a need for 'healing' or mental refreshment—many self-initiated healing solutions among Gen Z range from taking vacations to consuming delicious foods and drinks.

Yet, opting for healing often encounters financial hurdles, making it difficult to achieve. A more affordable alternative lies in consuming delicious foods and beverages, including yogurt.

Why yogurt?

Research conducted by Wageningen UR Food and Biobased Research in the Netherlands, the University of Natural Resources and Life Science in Austria, and VTT Technical Research Centre in Finland suggests that vanilla yogurt, especially those with low-fat content, can promote happiness.

Hence, it's no surprise that Mordor Intelligence states global yogurt consumption grew by 14.15% from 2017 to 2022. Yogurt has been a part of daily diets across various cultures for thousands of years. In 2022, Europe and Asia-Pacific accounted for the largest shares in global yogurt consumption, at 32.52% and 41.79%, respectively.

Given this basis, yogurt can be utilized as a consumable item. However, it's not just that—yogurt can also be combined with chamomile.

Chamomile possesses calming effects, as explained in a journal titled "Chamomile: A herbal medicine of the past with a bright future," attributing its soothing effects to the flavonoid apigenin, which binds to benzodiazepine receptors in the brain.

The combination of yogurt and chamomile could offer a solution for Gen Z, apart from seeking healing in distant places. If interested, here's a formulation that can be used: Fermented oat milk, isomaltulose, pectin, xanthan gum, chamomile extract, and vanilla flavor.

For those interested in learning more about the raw materials used or requesting the formulation, you can inquire on our website at or visit our Instagram account @ptsml_indonesia. #ptsmlIndonesia #rawmaterial #foodingredients #yoghurt #isomaltulose #chamomile #Genz #mentalhealth