Monkeypox Threat? Boost Your Immune System by Drinking This

The number of monkeypox cases, also known as monkeypox, is increasing in Jakarta. Local authorities in Jakarta have reported that the total number of positive cases has risen to 13 people as of October 25, 2023. Monkeypox is a contagious disease caused by the monkeypox virus, which produces symptoms similar to the flu, including fever and skin rashes.

It can be transmitted to people of all ages through direct skin contact with open wounds and direct contact with monkeypox patients. To prevent this, here are some vulnerable groups at risk of infection with this disease:


  1. People with weakened immune systems


A strong immune system is crucial for protecting the body from various diseases.


  1. Elderly individuals


Elderly individuals tend to have lower immune system function, making them susceptible to monkeypox.


  1. Toddlers


Toddlers also tend to have weaker immune systems because their immune systems have not fully developed at that age. Monkeypox transmission can occur through the placenta of pregnant mothers.


  1. Pregnant or breastfeeding mothers


Pregnant or breastfeeding mothers have relatively weaker immune systems, making this group vulnerable to monkeypox transmission.

In essence, a weakened immune system is one of the reasons why monkeypox spreads easily. Therefore, efforts should be made to boost the immune system to prevent this disease.


One way to do this is by consuming milk. This beverage can enhance the immune system as it contains vitamin A, vitamin D, protein, and antioxidants that support immune system enhancement. Data from the International Dairy Federation shows that the demand for milk continues to rise.


Milk production growth expected to return close to the long-term average of slightly above 2% in 2021, supported by changes in consumption habits, an increased income per capita in developing countries, and the growth of the world population by 92 million people.



Not only milk, but milk containing Colostrum can offer additional benefits, particularly in strengthening the immune system.


Colostrum is the initial milk produced by mammals shortly after giving birth. Colostrum is naturally rich in immuno-stimulating factors, with the most abundant being the antibody immunoglobulin G (IgG), which provides antimicrobial effects. Additionally, it contains growth factors that activate cell and tissue regeneration, as well as vitamins, minerals, and essential nutrients.



One crucial aspect is that Colostrum has been proven to boost the immune system. This is evident from two in vitro studies that have demonstrated the effects of Prodiet® Colostrum on immunity. It increases the proliferation of B lymphocytes, reinforces the body's immune response, and decreases the secretion of pro-inflammatory cytokines. With its high concentration of immuno-stimulating factors like TGF, Prodiet® Colostrum also enhances resistance to infections.


Here is the formulation: Skim milk powder, isomaltulose, inulin, colostrum, whey protein, ndc, whole milk, vanilla flavor, phosphate, acesulfame-k, vitamin & mineral premix


For those who want to learn more about the raw materials used or request the formulation, you can inquire on our website at or visit our Instagram account @ptsml_indonesia. #ptsmlIndonesia #foodingredients #dairy #colostrum #immune #foodingredientsdistributor #specialtychemical #specialtychemicaldistributor #industrialchemical