Avoid Using This for Babies! The Results Can Be Serious

Avoiding sun exposure for babies is common among parents when their child is a newborn. A journal published by The National Library of Medicine explains that Sunlight exposure has numerous health benefits for infants. It helps the body produce vitamin D, which aids in calcium absorption and strengthens bones, thereby preventing rickets in children and osteomalacia in adults, and possibly inhibiting the growth of some cancers.

Moreover, visible sunlight to the eyes provides health benefits through its association with the timing of melatonin synthesis, maintenance of normal and robust cardiac rhythms, and reduction of the risk of seasonal affective disorder. Daily vitamin D requirements can be met with 30–60 minutes of sunlight exposure. However, limiting sun exposure between 10 a.m. is important for infants.

This demonstrates how crucial sunlight is for infant growth. However, The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends keeping babies younger than six months out of direct sunlight as much as possible. While sun exposure can benefit older babies and children, it can cause uncomfortable burns on a baby’s sensitive skin. Unlike babies under six months old, The American Academy of Pediatrics notes that sunscreen use for babies is recommended when the baby is 6 months old. This is because, at that age, the baby's skin is considered capable of accepting the formulation and contents of sunscreen.

However, generally speaking, many babies have sensitive skin. According to a survey conducted by Johnson’s, 60 percent of babies have sensitive skin.

To counter this, one method is to use sunscreen that protects babies' skin and contains Non-Nano Zinc Oxide.

Nano means that a particle is smaller than 100mm and, therefore, has to be measured in nanometers, which equals one billionth of a meter. Because of its tiny size, nano zinc oxide can be absorbed into the bloodstream and is traced in human urine. This small size of Zinc Oxide particles is usually used in personal care products.

On the other hand, Non-Nano means it is larger than 100 nanometers and therefore won’t penetrate your skin. Thus, using Non-Nano Zinc Oxide is safer for sensitive baby skin.

An important benefit of using Non-Nano Zinc Oxide sunscreen is that zinc sits on the outer layer of your skin to block UV radiation. It does not penetrate deeper skin layers to absorb and reflect the UV rays and visible light. Non-nano also blends perfectly on your skin, evening out your skin tone. Non-Nano Zinc Oxide sunscreens also provide strong UVA and UVB protection without the risk of penetrating your skin.

So, if you use this ingredient for babies, the effect is "severe", meaning it can keep the baby's skin healthy.

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